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What We Do

About Our Approach

At Blue Star Farms, we believe "nature leads the way." Through quiet observation of nature's intelligent designs and patterns, we can discover how to build systems that work in harmony with nature to create not just sustainable and regenerative systems, but a bedrock of success that is observable both here on Earth, and in the great expanse of heavens above us.


For a few generations now, agriculture has looked to the laboratory for answers. It has created genetic modifications of plants and animals and unnatural pairings of chemical bonds that have wreaked havoc on ecosystems, aquifers, animals, and human life. We can debate the intention of these creations, but we'd bear more fruit studying how and why they create so much destruction and harm. Simply put, nature's laws are perfect and to improve upon our own systems, we must follow the pattern of natural systems. 


So we utilize biomimicry: if it works in nature, it will work on the farm, as we believe the farm and nature should not and cannot be separated. This is the core principle behind everything we do.

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Our Mission

To cultivate healing plants in harmony with all laws of nature

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Our Values

Nature leads the way.

(First rule is to observe so that we may learn and grow.)


Practice continual improvement.

(Look for deeper understanding. Don’t understand? See Rule #1.)


Implement with integrity.

(Be bold and fearless in following rules #1 & #2.)

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Creating A Harmonious Cycle of Life

The Hill We Stand On

We fundamentally believe that there are both seen and unseen forces at work in all of nature. Our job as farmers, ranchers, and cultivators is to create an ecosystem on the farm that flows perfectly harmoniously with all of these principles in mind.


When we create that environment, we see food and medicine come forth with eagerness and life force that carries with it a vibrancy that cannot be denied. In turn, as we partake of those foods and medicines, we are ingesting into our bodies nature's fullest, brightest, and highest potential. In turn, that potential is then carried into our bodies, completing the cycle and bringing humanity back in touch with the beautiful web of life in the most beautiful and glorious expression of nature.


In this cycle, a farmer who works in this manner stands as a bridge between the world of nature and of man, utilizing our hands and hearts as tools for healing. Let everyone else stand where they choose to stand, but this honorable and much-needed place of the regenerative, organic, natural farmer is the hill we stand on. To be able to make our life's work the work of this healing is our great honor and we are incredibly grateful for all of you that see our vision and choose to support it.



We mimic the natural flow of water and improve it for biological sustainability.


We build nutrient-rich soil on the principles of micro-biological science.


We give our fullest love, care, and respect to everything we cultivate. 


We align all of nature's forces into a complete, sustainable ecosystem.

Nature's Gift

Built To Last

To be able to make this farm and the lessons we learn from it our life's work, the work of this healing, is our great honor and we are incredibly grateful for all of you who see our vision and choose to support it.



Our Promise

We provide the highest-quality, higher-vibration, better-tasting experience to health-conscious and sustainability-minded medical cannabis patients in Oklahoma.

© 2023 Blue Star Farms

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